AirKit Logbook

The AirKit Logbook has been developed as a resource for learning more about air quality and air pollution. It is part of the AirKit toolkit for citizen-led air quality monitoring. The Logbook is available through Github or as a webpage and PDF. There is a short version of the Logbook available as a quick start guide for setting up a Dustbox 2.0 air quality monitor.

Within the Logbook there are resources to help you set up an air quality project to monitor and improve air quality. The Logbook also contains instructions for building a Dustbox 2.0, an air quality sensor for monitoring particulate matter. There are resources for setting up, calibrating and using a Dustbox in the field, and for analyzing your data on our data analysis platform, Airsift, which allows you to view Dustbox data, map and record observations, and write data stories with citizen data.

AirKit is developed through the Citizen Sense project, which I lead as part of the Planetary Praxis research group in the Department of Sociology at the University of Cambridge.