

Citizens of Worlds: Open-Air Toolkits for Environmental Struggle. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 2022. Open-access version available on Manifold. (Draft version originally published on Manifold in October 2021.)

How to Do Things with Sensors. Forerunners: Ideas First. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 2019. Available open access on Manifold.

Program Earth: Environmental Sensing Technology and the Making of a Computational Planet. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 2016. Available open access on Manifold.

Accumulation: The Material Politics of Plastic. Co-edited with Gay Hawkins and Mike Michael. CRESC: Culture, Economy and the Social. New York and London: Routledge, 2013.

Digital Rubbish: A Natural History of Electronics. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 2011.

Airdrop. Chap Books. London: Book Works, 2004.

Special Issues

“The Forest Multiple: Composing and Digitalizing Wooded Worlds,” special issue edited by Jennifer Gabrys, Michelle Westerlaken, Kate Lewis Hood, Yuti Ariani Fatimah and Trishant Simlai. Environment and Planning F: Philosophy, Theory, Models, Methods and Practice. Contributions include: Véra Ehrenstein; Priscila Santos da Costa and Steffen Dalsgaard; Esther Turnhout and Casey Lynch; Jennifer Gabrys, Michelle Westerlaken and Yuti Ariani Fatimah; Naomi Milner and Mónica Amador; and others forthcoming 2024.

Sensors and Sensing Practices.” Co-edited with Helen Pritchard and Lara Houston. Science, Technology, & Human Values 44, no. 5 (September 2019). Contributors include: Stefan Helmreich, Andrea Ballestero, Michaela Spencer, Endre Dányi, Yasunori Hayashi, Christelle Gramaglia, François Mélard, Olga Kuchinskaya, Lorenzo Pezzani, Charles Heller, Cymene Howe, Lara Houston, Jennifer Gabrys, and Helen Pritchard.

Practicing, Materializing and Contesting Environmental Data.” Co-edited with Nerea Calvillo. Big Data & Society 3, no. 2 (2016). Contributors include: Emma Garnett, Yanni Alexander Loukissas, Tahani Nadim, Ingmar Lippert, Brooke Singer, Kim Fortun, Lindsay Poirier, Alli Morgan, Brandon Costelloe-Kuehn, Mike Fortun, Jennifer Gabrys, Helen Pritchard, and Benjamin Barratt.

Series Editor

Planetarities.” A series of short texts. Co-edited with Ros Gray and Shela Sheikh. Published by Goldsmiths Press and distributed by MIT Press.

The Planetarities series engages with the multiple planetarities that materialize by undoing the abstractions of globalism, by expanding beyond the consolidations of the universal human, and by working toward differential planetary connections and collectives. Publications include:

Manifestos. By Édouard Glissant and Patrick Chamoiseau. Translated by Betsy Wing and Matt Reeck (September 2022).

Making the World Clean: Wasted Lives, Wasted Environment, and Racial Capitalism. By Françoise Vergès (December 2024).

In the Company of Chestnuts. By Elaine Gan (under contract).

Planetary Portals. By Casper Laing Ebbensgard, Kerry Holden, Kathryn Yusoff and Michael Salu (under contract).

Journal Articles

Gabrys, Jennifer, Michelle Westerlaken, Yuti Ariani Fatimah. “Actually Existing Smart Forests: A Proposal for Pluralizing Eco-Technical Worlds.” In the special issue, “The Forest Multiple: Composing and Digitalizing Wooded Worlds,” Environment and Planning F: Philosophy, Theory, Models, Methods and Practice. (26 July 2024): 1-23. DOI: 10.1177/26349825241264393.

Longdon, Joycelyn, Michelle Westerlaken, Alan Blackwell, Jennifer Gabrys, Ben Ossom, Adham Ashton-Butt, and Emmanuel Acheampong. “Justice-Oriented Design Listening: Participatory Ecoacoustics with a Ghanaian Forest Community.” CHI ‘24: Proceedings of the CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems Article No.: 560 (May 2024): 1–12. DOI: 10.1145/3613904.3643044.

Longdon, Joycelyn, Jennifer Gabrys and Alan F. Blackwell. “Taking Data Science into the Forest.” Interdisciplinary Science Reviews 49, issue 1 (30 April 2024): 82-103.

Ritts, Max, Trishant Simlai and Jennifer Gabrys. “The Environmentality of Digital Acoustic Monitoring: Emerging Formations of Spatial Power in Forests.” Political Geography 110 (April 2024): 103074. DOI: 10.1016/j.polgeo.2024.103074.

Lewis Hood, Kate and Jennifer Gabrys. “Keeping Time with Digital Technologies: From Real-Time Environments to Forest Futurisms.” Environment and Planning D: Society and Space 42, issue 2. (first published online 16 February 2024): 252-274. DOI: 10.1177/02637758241229896.

Westerlaken, Michelle, Jennifer Gabrys, Danilo Urzedo and Max Ritts. “Unsettling Participation by Foregrounding More-Than-Human Relations in Digital Forests.” Environmental Humanities 15, no. 1 (2023): 87–108. DOI: 10.1215/22011919-10216173.

Urzedo, Danilo, Michelle Westerlaken and Jennifer Gabrys. “Digitalizing Forest Landscape Restoration: A Social and Political Analysis of Emerging Technological Practices.” Environmental Politics 32, no. 3 (2023; first published online 20 July 2022), 485-510. DOI: 10.1080/09644016.2022.2091417.

Gabrys, Jennifer, Michelle Westerlaken, Danilo Urzedo, Max Ritts and Trishant Simlai. “Reworking the Political in Digital Forests: The Cosmopolitics of Socio-technical Worlds.” Progress in Environmental Geography 1, nos. 1-4 (2022): 58-83. DOI: 10.1177/27539687221117836.

Westerlaken, Michelle, Jennifer Gabrys and Danilo Urzedo. “Digital Gardening with a Forest Atlas: Designing a Pluralistic and Participatory Open-Data Platform.” In PDC ‘22: Proceedings of the 17th Participatory Design Conference 2022 – Embracing Cosmologies: Expanding Worlds of Participatory Design, Vol. 2 (August 2022), 25-32. DOI: 10.1145/3537797.3537804.

Gabrys, Jennifer. “Programming Nature as Infrastructure in the Smart Forest City.” In the anniversary special issue, Splintering Urbanism at 20. Edited by Colin McFarlane, Alan Wiig, Jonathan Rutherford, and Andrew Karvonen. Journal of Urban Technology 29, no. 1 (2022): 13-19. DOI: 10.1080/10630732.2021.2004067.

Gabrys, Jennifer. “The Forest That Walks: Digital Fieldwork and Distributions of Site.” In the special issue, Critical Walking Methodologies and Oblique Agitations of Place. Edited by Stephanie Springgay and Sarah E. Truman (WalkingLab). Qualitative Inquiry 28, no. 2 (2022): 228-235. First published online 4 September 2021. DOI: 10.1177/10778004211042356.

Mahajan, Sachit, Jennifer Gabrys and Joanne Armitage. “AirKit: A Citizen-Sensing Toolkit for Monitoring Air Quality.” In the special issue, Air Quality Internet of Things Devices. Sensors 21, no. 12 (2021): 4044.

Gabrys, Jennifer. “Planetary Health in Practice: Sensing Air Pollution and Transforming Urban Environments.” In the research article collection, Healthy Publics: Transforming and Sustaining Health Research and Action. Edited by Steve Hinchliffe, Lenore Manderson, and Martin Moore. Humanities and Social Sciences Communications 7, no. 35 (2020): 1-11.

Gabrys, Jennifer. “Smart Forests and Data Practices: From the Internet of Trees to Planetary Governance.” Big Data & Society 7, no. 1 (14 February 2020): 1-10. DOI: 10.1177/2053951720904871.

Gabrys, Jennifer. “Sensors and Sensing Practices: Reworking Experience across Entities, Environments, and Technologies.” Introduction to the special issue, Sensors and Sensing Practices. Co-edited with Helen Pritchard and Lara Houston. Science, Technology, & Human Values 44, no. 5 (2019): 723-736.

Houston, Lara, Jennifer Gabrys and Helen Pritchard. “Breakdown in the Smart City: Exploring Workarounds with Urban Sensing Practices and Technologies.” In the special issue, Sensors and Sensing Practices. Co-edited with Helen Pritchard and Lara Houston. Science, Technology, & Human Values 44, no. 5 (2019): 843-870.

Gabrys, Jennifer. “Sensing Lichens: From Ecological Microcosms to Environmental Subjects.” In the special issue, The Wretched Earth: Botanical Conflicts and Artistic Interventions. Edited by Sheila Sheikh and Ros Gray. Third Text 151, vol. 32, no. 2 (2018): 350-367. DOI: 10.1080/09528822.2018.1483884.

Pritchard, Helen, Jennifer Gabrys and Lara Houston. “Re-Calibrating DIY: Testing Participation across Dust Sensors, Fry Pans and Environmental Pollution.” New Media & Society 20, no. 12 (2018): 4533-4552.

Gabrys, Jennifer and Helen Pritchard. “Just Good Enough Data and Environmental Sensing: Moving Beyond Regulatory Benchmarks toward Citizen Action.” Special Section: Citizen Data Science. International Journal of Spatial Data Infrastructures Research 13 (2018): 4-14.

Gabrys, Jennifer. “Citizen Sensing, Air Pollution and Fracking: From ‘Caring about Your Air’ to Speculative Practices of Evidencing Harm.” In the special issue, Care and Policy Practices. Edited by Vicky Singleton, Nat Gill, and Claire Waterton. The Sociological Review 65, no. 2 (2017): 179-192.

Wood, Christopher, Stefan Poslad, Jennifer Gabrys and Antonios Kaniadakis. “GPS Tarot: Encounters with Satellites as Divination Tools.” In DIS ‘17 Companion: Proceedings of the 2017 ACM Conference Companion Publication on Designing Interactive Systems. DIS 2017.

Wood, Christopher, Stefan Poslad, Antonios Kaniadakis and Jennifer Gabrys. “What Lies Above: Alternative User Experiences Produced Through Focussing Attention on GNSS Infrastructure.” In Proceedings of the 2017 ACM Conference on Designing Interactive Systems. DIS 2017, Edinburgh, UK (10-14 June).

Gabrys, Jennifer. “Practicing, Materializing and Contesting Environmental Data.” Introduction to the special issue, Practicing, Materializing and Contesting Environmental Data. Co-edited with Nerea Calvillo. Big Data & Society 3, no. 2 (2016): 1-7.

Gabrys, Jennifer, Helen Pritchard and Benjamin Barratt. “Just Good Enough Data: Figuring Data Citizenships through Air Pollution Sensing and Data Stories.” Co-authored with Helen Pritchard and Benjamin Barratt. In the special issue, Practicing, Materializing and Contesting Environmental Data.” Co-edited with Nerea Calvillo. Big Data & Society 3, no. 2 (2016): 1-14.

Pritchard, Helen and Jennifer Gabrys. “From Citizen Sensing to Collective Monitoring: Working through the Perceptive and Affective Problematics of Environmental Pollution.” In the special issue, Border Topologies. Edited by Nishat Awan. Geohumanities 2, no. 2 (2016): 354-371. Special issue based on the Border Topologies event.

Gabrys, Jennifer. “A Cosmopolitics of Energy: Diverging Materialities and Hesitating Practices.” In the special issue, Performing Environmental Change: The Politics of Social Science Methods. Edited by Kristin Asdal and Noortje Marres. Environment and Planning A: Economy and Space 46, no. 9 (2014): 2095-2109.

Gabrys, Jennifer. “Programming Environments: Environmentality and Citizen Sensing in the Smart City.” In the special issue, A New Apparatus: Technology, Government, and the Resilient City. Edited by Stephanie Wakefield and Bruce Braun. Environment and Planning D: Society & Space 32, no. 1 (2014): 30-48.

Gabrys, Jennifer. “Becoming Urban: Sitework from a Moss-Eye View.” Environment and Planning A: Economy and Space 44, no. 12 (2012): 2922-2939.

Gabrys, Jennifer. “Sensing an Experimental Forest: Processing Environments and Distributing Relations.” Computational Culture, no. 2 (2012).

Gabrys, Jennifer. and Kathryn Yusoff. “Arts, Sciences and Climate Change: Practices and Politics at the Threshold.” Science as Culture 21, no. 1 (2012): 1-24. First published online 14 April 2011.

Yusoff, Kathryn and Jennifer Gabrys. “Climate Change and the Imagination.” WIRES (Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews, Climate Change) 2, no. 4 (2011): 516-534.

Gabrys, Jennifer. “Sink: The Dirt of Systems.” Environment and Planning D 27, no. 4 (2009): 666-681.

Gabrys, Jennifer. “Automatic Sensation: Environmental Sensors in the Digital City.” In the special issue, Senses and the City. Edited by Mags Adams and Simon Guy. The Senses and Society 2, no. 2 (July 2007): 189-200.

Yusoff, Kathryn and Jennifer Gabrys. “Bear Life.” In the special issue, Regional Animalities. Edited by Lucy Davis. Focas: Forum on Contemporary Art and Society 6 (2007): 66-83. National University of Singapore Press and the Documenta 12 Magazines project. ISSN 978-981-05-8681-2.

Yusoff, Kathryn and Jennifer Gabrys. “Time Lapses: Robert Smithson’s Mobile Landscapes.” Co-authored with Kathryn Yusoff. In the series, Cultural Geographies in Practice. Cultural Geographies 13, no. 3 (2006): 444-450.

Gabrys, Jennifer. “The Quick and the Dirty: Ephemeral Systems in Silicon Valley.” In the special issue, Ephemera. Thresholds, no. 31 (2006): 26-31.

Gabrys, Jennifer. “Machines Fall Apart: Failure in Art and Technology.” In the special issue, RE: Searching Our Origins: Critical and Archival Histories of the Electronic Arts. Edited by Catherine Mason and Paul Brown. Leonardo Electronic Almanac 13, no. 4 (April 2005).

Gabrys, Jennifer. “Leaflet Drop: The Paper Landscapes of War.” In the special issue, Casting Doubt. InVisible Culture: An Electronic Journal for Visual Culture, no. 7 (Winter 2004).

Chapters in Edited Collections

Gabrys, Jennifer. “Sensors.” In Elgar Encyclopedia of Science and Technology Studies. Edited by Ulrike Felt and Alan Irwin. Edward Elgar Publishing. Forthcoming, October 2024.

Gabrys, Jennifer. “Forests as Environmental Media: Vegetalizing a Smart Forests Atlas.” In Media Matters in Landscape Architecture. Edited by Karen M’Closkey and Keith VanDerSys. ORO Press. Forthcoming.

Gabrys, Jennifer. “Community Ecology / Ecosystem / Automated Environments.” In Informatics of Domination. Edited by Melody Jue and Zach Blas. Durham, NC: Duke University Press. Forthcoming.

Gabrys, Jennifer. “Forests that Compute.” In Plants by Numbers: Art, Computation, and Queer Feminist Technoscience. Edited by Jane Prophet and Helen V. Pritchard. London: Bloomsbury Press, 2023.

Gabrys, Jennifer. “Particle Stories: Breathing in the Long 2020.” In The Long 2020. Edited by Richard Grusin and Maureen Ryan. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 2022.

Gabrys, Jennifer. “Internet of Trees.” In More Posthuman Glossary. Edited by Rosi Braidotti, Emily Jones, and Goda Klumbyte. London: Bloomsbury Press, 2022.

Gabrys, Jennifer. “Environmental Sensing Infrastructures and Just Good Enough Data.” Co-authored with Helen Pritchard. In The Nature of Data. Edited by Jenny Goldstein and Eric Nost. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 2022. Revised reprint of “Just Good Enough Data and Environmental Sensing.” International Journal of Spatial Data Infrastructures Research 13.

Gabrys, Jennifer. “Citizen Infrastructures and Public Policy: Activating the Democratic Potential of Infrastructures.” In Future Directions for Citizen Science and Public Policy. Edited by Katie Cohen and Robert Doubleday, 88-93. Cambridge: Centre for Science and Policy, University of Cambridge, 2021.

Gabrys, Jennifer. “Sensing Particulate Matter and Practicing Environmental Justice.” In Routledge Companion to Contemporary Art, Visual Culture, and Climate Change. Edited by TJ Demos, Emily Scott, and Subhankar Banerjee, 219-229. New York: Routledge, 2021.

Gabrys, Jennifer. “Data Citizens: How to Reinvent Rights.” In Data Politics: Worlds, Subjects, Rights. Edited by Didier Bigo, Engin Isin, and Evelyn Ruppert, 248-266. London, Routledge Studies in International Political Sociology, 2019.

Gabrys, Jennifer. “Sensing the Air and Experimenting with Environmental Citizenship.” In The Playful Citizen: Civic Engagement in a Mediatized Culture. Edited by René Glas, Sybille Lammes, Michiel de Lange, Joost Raessens, and Imar de Vries, 175-194. Amersterdam: Amsterdam University Press, 2019.

Gabrys, Jennifer. “Citizen Sensing, Environmental Monitoring, and “Media” as Practice in the Making.” In The Routledge Companion to Media Studies and Digital Humanities. Edited by Jentery Sayers, 503-510. New York: Routledge, 2018.

Gabrys, Jennifer. “Digital Rubbish.” In Posthuman Glossary. Edited by Rosi Braidotti and Maria Hlavajova, 107-109. London: Bloomsbury Press, 2018.

Gabrys, Jennifer and Helen Pritchard. “Sensing Practices.” In Posthuman Glossary. Edited by Rosi Braidotti and Maria Hlavajova, 394-396. London: Bloomsbury Press, 2018.

Gabrys, Jennifer. “Air Walk: Monitoring Pollution and Experimenting with Forms of Participation.” In Walking through Social Research. Edited by Charlotte Bates and Alex Rhys-Taylor, 144-161. Advances in Research Methods Series. London: Routledge, 2017.

Gabrys, Jennifer. “Monitoring and Remediating a Garbage Patch.” In Research Objects in their Technological Setting. Edited by Bernadette Bensaude Vincent, Sacha Loeve, Alfred Nordmann, and Astrid Schwarz, 201-214. History and Philosophy of Technoscience Series. London: Routledge, 2017.

Gabrys, Jennifer. “Re-Thingifying the Internet of Things.” In Sustainable Media: Critical Approaches to Media and Environment. Edited by Nicole Starosielski and Janet Walker, 180-195. New York and London: Routledge, 2016.

Gabrys, Jennifer, Helen Pritchard, Nerea Calvillo, Tom Keene, and Nick Shapiro. “Becoming Civic: Fracking, Air Pollution and Environmental Sensing Technologies.” In Civic Media: Technology, Design, Practice and Civic Media website. Edited by Eric Gordon and Paul Mihailidis. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2016. First published online 2015.

Gabrys, Jennifer. “Powering the Digital: From Energy Ecologies to Electronic Environmentalism.” In Media and the Ecological Crisis. Edited by Richard Maxwell, Jon Raundalen, and Nina Lager Vestberg, 3-18. New York and London: Routledge, 2014.

Gabrys, Jennifer. “Introduction: From Materiality to Plasticity.” Co-authored with Gay Hawkins and Mike Michael. In Accumulation: The Material Politics of Plastic. Co-edited with Gay Hawkins and Mike Michael, 1-14. CRESC: Culture, Economy and the Social. New York and London: Routledge, 2013.

Gabrys, Jennifer. “Plastic and the Work of the Biodegradable.” In Accumulation: The Material Politics of Plastic. Co-edited with Gay Hawkins and Mike Michael, 208-227. CRESC: Culture, Economy and the Social. New York and London: Routledge, 2013.

Gabrys, Jennifer. “Ecological Observatories: Fluctuating Sites and Sensing Subjects.” In Field_Notes: Field and Laboratory as Sites for Art & Science Practices. Edited by Laura Beloff, Erich Berger, and Terike Haapoja, 178-187. Helsinki: Suomen Biotaiteen Seura (Finnish Society of Bioart), 2013.

Gabrys, Jennifer. “Shipping and Receiving: The Social Death of Electronics.” in Aesthetic Fatigue: Modernity and the Language of Waste. Edited by John Scanlan, 274-297. Cambridge: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2013.

Gabrys, Jennifer. “Natural History” and “Salvage.” In Depletion Design: A Glossary of Network Ecologies. Edited by Carolin Wiedemann and Soenke Zehle, 103-108 and 133-136. Theory on Demand, no. 8. Amsterdam: Institute for Network Cultures, 2012.

Gabrys, Jennifer. “Atmospheres of Communication.” In The Wireless Spectrum: The Politics, Practices and Poetics of Mobile Technologies. Edited by Barbara Crow, Michael Longford, and Kim Sawchuk, 46-59. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2010. ISBN 978-0802098931.

Gabrys, Jennifer. “Telepathically Urban.” In Circulation and the City: Essays on Urban Culture. Edited by Alexandra Boutros and Will Straw, 48-63. Montreal: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2010. ISBN 978-0773536654.

Gabrys, Jennifer and Kathryn Yusoff (Weather Permitting). “Forecast Factory: Snow Globes and Weather Makers.” In BiPolar. Edited by Kathryn Yusoff, 62-66. London: The Arts Catalyst, 2008. ISBN 978-0-9534546-6-2.

Gabrys, Jennifer. “Paper Mountains, Disposable Cities.” In Surface Tension Supplement. Edited by Brandon LaBelle and Ken Ehrlich, no. 1: 130-139. Los Angeles: Errant Bodies Press, 2006. ISBN 0977259404.

Gabrys, Jennifer. “Media in the Dump.” In Trash. Edited by John Knechtel, no. 11: 156-165. Cambridge: MIT Press and Alphabet City Magazine, 2006. ISBN 0-262-11301-5.

Gabrys, Jennifer. “Motor Chorus: Spatializing an Automotive City.” In Surface Tension: Problematics of Site. Edited by Brandon LaBelle and Ken Ehrlich, 245-254. Los Angeles: Errant Bodies Press, 2003. ISBN 0965557049.

Gabrys, Jennifer. “Cité Multiméia: Noise and Contamination in the Information City.” In Visual Knowledges conference proceedings. Edited by John Frow. Edinburgh: University of Edinburgh, 2003. ISBN 0953271331.

Reviews, Exhibition Catalogs, Interviews, Magazines, Letters, and Reports

Review of Public Engagement.” A report by the Defra Social Science Expert Group (SSEG), Science Advisory Council, 10 October 2022.

Gabrys, Jennifer. “Environment.” In Reclaiming Technology: A Poetic-Scientific Vocabulary. Edited by James Maguire and Brit Ross Winthereik. Copenhagen: Ctrl+Alt+Delete Books, 2023. Published online (2021) in the Technologies in Practice Lexicon.

“A Conversation on Ecology and Ethics.” Keynote conversation with Molly Wright Steenson in Distributed Proximities: Proceedings of the 40th Annual Conference of the Association for Computer Aided Design in Architecture, 1 (2021): 26-37. Edited by Brian Slocum, Viola Ago, and Adam Marcus.

Gabrys, Jennifer. “As Lichens Absorb Air Pollution, They Show Us the Limits of Livability.” In Feral Atlas: The More-than-Human Anthropocene. Edited by Anna L. Tsing, Jennifer Deger, Alder Keleman Saxena, and Feifei Zhou. Stanford: Stanford University Press, 2020.

Gabrys, Jennifer. “Sensing a Moving Planet.” In exhibition catalog, Critical Zones: The Science and Politics of Landing on Earth. Edited by Bruno Latour and Peter Weibel, 342-343. ZKM and MIT Press, 2020.

“In Conversation with Jennifer Gabrys.” Interview with Jennifer Gabrys by Karen M’Closkey and Keith VanDerSys. LA+GEO issue (fall 2020): 72-77.

Making Things Otherwise: On the Feminist Critique of the Anthropocene, Decolonising Geology and Sensing Media Environments.” Interview with Jennifer Gabrys and Kathryn Yusoff by Petra Löffler, Léa Perraudin, and Birgit Schneider. Zeitschrift für Medienwissenschaft 23, no.2 (2020): 138-151. Published in German as “Dinge anders machen. Feministische Anthropozän-Kritik, Dekolonisierung der Geologie und «sensing» in Medien-Umwelten.”

Gabrys, Jennifer. “Air Pollution.” In reverse-engineered book, Index of Evidence. Edited by Laura Salisbury, Mike Michael, Steve Hinchliffe, Lara Choksey, and Gill Partington. University of Exeter, 2020.

Gabrys, Jennifer. “Sensing a Planet in Crisis.” In Media+Environment 1, no. 1 (22 November 2019). DOI: 10.1525/001c.10036.

Gabrys, Jennifer. “Save the Shire™ : Palantir.” In How to Run the City Like Amazon, and Other Fables. Edited by Mark Graham, Rob Kitchin, Shannon Mattern, and Joe Shaw, 654-675. London: Meatspace Press, 2019.

Gabrys, Jennifer. “Ocean Sensing and Navigating the End of this World.” In the special issue, Navigation Beyond Vision. Edited by Tom Holert, Doreen Mende, and the e-flux editors. e-flux journal 101 (June 2019).

Gabrys, Jennifer. “Sensors Experiencing Environments, Environments Becoming Computational.” Response to Forum Review of Program Earth. Dialogues in Human Geography 9, no. 1 (11 March 2019): 121-124.

Gabrys, Jennifer. “Becoming Planetary.” In the collection, Accumulation. Edited by Nick Axel, Daniel A. Barber, Nikolaus Hirsch, Anton Vidokle. e-flux (2 October 2018).

Gabrys, Jennifer. “Making Worlds at the End of the World.” Forum Review of The Mushroom at the End of the World: On the Possibility of Life in Capitalist Ruins, by Anna Tsing. In Dialogues in Human Geography 8, no. 1 (2018): 61-63.

Gabrys, Jennifer. “Afterword: Reverse Executions in the Internet of Things.” In Data Browser 06: Executing Practices. Edited by Helen Pritchard, Eric Snodgrass, and Magda Tyzlik-Carver, 267-273. Brooklyn: Autonomedia, 2017. Second edition with Open Humanities Press, 2018.

Everything is Experiencing.” Interview with Jennifer Gabrys by Arie Altena, 33-46. In The Noise of Being. Amsterdam: Sonic Acts Press, 2017.

Gabrys, Jennifer. “Introduction to the special issue on Environmental Data.” Big Data & Society (blog). 2 February 2017.

Gabrys, Jennifer. “On her book Program Earth: Environmental Sensing Technology and the Making of a Computational Planet.” Interview with Rorotoko. 28 December 2016.

Gabrys, Jennifer. “Sensing Air and Generating Worlds of Data.” In Technosphere Magazine. Berlin: HKW, 2016.

Gabrys, Jennifer. “Beyond Data Collection — The Social and Political Effects of Environmental Sensor Proliferation.” Interview by Jenny Isaac. Mongabay. 5 November 2016.

Jennifer Gabrys: A continent. Inter-view. In continent 5, no. 2 (2016): 32-36. For The Technosphere, Now, HKW, Berlin.

Gabrys, Jennifer. “Citizen Sensing: Recasting Digital Ontologies through Proliferating Practices.” In the special issue, Digital Ontology. Edited by Antonia Walford and Hannah Knox. Theorizing the Contemporary Series. Cultural Anthropology (24 March 2016).

Gabrys, Jennifer. “The Internet of Things and the Rise of Planetary Computerization: How Environmental Sensing Technologies Multiply Rather than Consolidate Versions of the Planet.” University of Minnesota Press Blog (2 March 2016). As part of the publication of Program Earth: Environmental Sensing Technology and the Making of a Computational Planet.

Gabrys, Jennifer. “RE: ‘Battling the bureaucracy hydra’.” eLetter response. Science (2 February 2016).

Gabrys, Jennifer and Helen Pritchard. “Next-Generation Environmental Sensing: Moving Beyond Regulatory Benchmarks for Citizen-Gathered Data.” Draft conference proceedings. In Proceedings of the workshop Environmental Infrastructures and Platforms 2015 – Infrastructures and Platforms for Environmental Crowd Sensing and Big Data. Edited by Arne J. Berre, Sven Schade, and Jaume Piera, 57-65. Barcelona: European Citizen Science Association General Assembly 2015. 28-30 October 2015.

Gabrys, Jennifer. “Plastiglomerates and Speculative Geologies.” In Anthropocene Monument. Developed by Tomas Saraceno. Toulouse: Les Abattoirs, 2014.

Gabrys, Jennifer. “Speculating with Organisms in the Plastisphere.” In exhibition catalog, Pinar Yoldas: An Ecosystem of Excess. Berlin: Ernst Schering Foundation 5 (2014): 48-59. Part of the Transmediale afterglow festival.

Gabrys, Jennifer. “For the World, Not of the World.” Review of Thinking with Whitehead, by Isabelle Stengers. In Metascience 23, no. 3 (2014): 513-516. First published online 19 March 2014.

Gabrys, Jennifer. “Smart Cities As Sustainable Cities: A Visual Essay.” Society & Space. Accompanies the special issue, A New Apparatus: Technology, Government, and the Resilient City. Edited by Stephanie Wakefield and Bruce Braun. Environment and Planning D: Society & Space 32, no. 1 (2014).

Gabrys, Jennifer. “Sphygmograph.” In exhibition, Evil Media Distribution Centre. Developed by YoHa. Berlin: Transmediale. 29 January – 2 February 2013.

Gabrys, Jennifer. “Global Geographies of Electronic Waste.” In Atlas: Geography, Architecture and Change in an Interdependent World. Edited by Renata Tyszczuk, Joe Smith, and Melissa Butcher, 160-161. London: Black Dog Publishing, 2012.

Gabrys, Jennifer. “Insect Oriented Media Theory.” Review of Insect Media, by Jussi Parikka. In Mute Magazine. 6 October 2011.

Gabrys, Jennifer. “In the Woods and Out for the Territory: The Spatial Practice of Para-sites.” In Dwelling for Intervals. Edited by Yvette Poorter, 85-96. Montréal: Conundrum Press, 2010. ISBN 978-1894994484.

Gabrys, Jennifer and Kathryn Yusoff. “Creative Practices: Weather Permitting.” In Communicating Geographical Research Beyond the Academy: A Guide for Researchers. Edited by Rita Gardner, Klaus Dodds, Catherine Souch, and Fiona McConnell, 30. London: Royal Geographic Society with IBG, 2010

Gabrys, Jennifer. “The Art of Salvage.” In exhibition catalog, USED/Goods. Edited by Lorraine Oades, Kim Sawchuk, and Gisele Amantea, 86-97. Montréal: Cut Rate Collective, 2009. ISBN 978-0-9812307-0-2.

Gabrys, Jennifer. “Circulating Carts, Salvaging Connections.” In Surface Tension Supplement: Manual for the Construction of a Cart as a Device to Elaborate Social Connection. Edited by Brandon LaBelle and Ken Ehrlich, no. 3: 40-43. Berlin: Errant Bodies Press, 2009. ISBN: 978-0-9772594-7-2.

Gabrys, Jennifer. “Bill Burns: The Flora and Fauna Information Service.” Review of exhibition and printed matter. Afterall. 9 August 2008.

Gabrys, Jennifer. “Dirty Water Initiative.” Introduction to Simparch installation at inSITE 05. In Surface Tension Supplement. Edited by Brandon LaBelle and Ken Ehrlich, no. 1: 78-80 / 78-86. Los Angeles: Errant Bodies Press, 2006. ISBN 0977259404.

Gabrys, Jennifer. “Appliance Theory.” In Cabinet 21, Electricity issue, Spring 2006: 82-86. Brooklyn, NY: Immaterial Incorporated. ISSN 1531-1430.

Gabrys, Jennifer. “Acts of Disposal.” Review of exhibition, Adrienne Spier: Unwanted, Broken and Useless. Toronto: YYZ Artists’ Outlet / YYZ zine, 2006.

Gabrys, Jennifer. “Residue in the E.A.T. Archives.” The Daniel Langlois Foundation for Art, Science, and Technology. Montréal, 2004.

Gabrys, Jennifer. “Wasting Time.” Review of exhibition, Yvette Poorter: Continuous Surface. Toronto: Trinity Square Video, 2004.

Gabrys, Jennifer. “Crime and Ornament.” Review of Crime and Ornament: The Arts and Popular Culture in the Shadow of Adolf Loos, by Adolf Loos et al. In Parachute 110, Economies issue, 2003: 132-133. Montréal. ISSN 0318 7020.

Reprints and Translations

Gabrys, Jennifer. “Programming Green Infrastructure in the Smart Forest City.” In Digital Ecologies. Edited by Adam Searle, Eva Giraud, Jonathon Turnbull, and Henry Anderson-Elliott. Manchester: University of Manchester Press, forthcoming. A reprinted and expanded version of “Programming Nature as Infrastructure in the Smart Forest City.” Journal of Urban Technology. Forthcoming, December 2024.

Gabrys, Jennifer and Helen Pritcahrd. “Environmental Sensing Infrastructures and Just Good Enough Data.” In The Nature of Data. Edited by Jenny Goldstein and Eric Nost. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 2022. Revised reprint of “Just Good Enough Data and Environmental Sensing.” International Journal of Spatial Data Infrastructures Research 13 (2018).

Gabrys, Jennifer. “Ocean Sensing and Navigating the End of this World.” In Navigation Beyond Vision. Edited by e-flux. London: Sternberg Press; MIT Press, 2023. Reprint of the special issue, Navigation Beyond Vision. e-flux journal, no. 101 (2019).

Gabrys, Jennifer. “Becoming Planetary.” In Accumulation: The Art, Architecture, and Media of Climate Change. Edited by Nick Axel, Nikolaus Hirsch, Daniel Barber, and Anton Vidokle. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 2022. Reprint of the collection, Accumulation. e-flux (2018).

Gabrys, Jennifer. “Devenir planétaire.” In the special issue, Planétarités. Edited by Association Multitudes. Multitudes 4, no. 85 (2021): 97-103. French translation by Yves Citton of an abbreviated version of “Becoming Planetary.”

Gabrys, Jennifer. “Sensing Air, Creaturing Data.” In Data Publics: Public Plurality in an Era of Data Determinacy. Edited by Peter Mörtenböck and Helge Mooshammer, 116-127. London: Routledge, 2020. Abbreviated reprint of “Sensing Air and Creaturing Data.” In Program Earth. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 2016.

Gabrys, Jennifer. “Telepathically Urban.” In Imminent Commons: Urban Questions for the Near Future. Seoul Biennale of Architecture and Urbanism 2017. Barcelona: ACTAR Publishers, 2017. Reprint of “Telepathically Urban.” First published in Circulation and the City: Essays on Urban Culture. Edited by Alexandra Boutros and Will Straw, 48-63. Montréal: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2010.

Gabrys, Jennifer. “The Becoming Environmental of Computation: From Citizen Sensing to Planetary Computerization.” Paper based on keynote lecture for the 6th STS Italia Conference — Sociotechnical Environments. In Technoscienza 8, no. 1 (2017): 5-21. Abbreviated and revised reprint of “Sensing Air and Creaturing Data.” In Program Earth. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 2016.

Gabrys, Jennifer. “A Cosmopolitics of Energy: From Invisible to Materialized Practices.” In Invisible Culture. Edited by Brandon LaBelle. Published with the Faculty of Fine Art, Music and Design at University of Bergen, November 2017. Based on The Invisible Seminar 1. Abbreviated reprint of “A Cosmopolitics of Energy: Diverging Materialities and Hesitating Practices.” In Environment and Planning A: Economy and Space 46, no. 9 (2014).

Gabrys, Jennifer. “Programming Environments: Environmentality and Citizen Sensing in the Smart City.” In Smart Urbanism: Utopian Vision or False Dawn?. Edited by Simon Marvin, Colin McFarlane, and Andrés Luque-Ayala, 88-107. London: Routledge, 2015. Abbreviated reprint. First published in Environment and Planning D: Society and Space 32, no. 1 (2014).

Gabrys, Jennifer. “Programmieren von Umgebungen.” In Internet der Dinge. Edited by Florian Sprenger and Christoph Engemann, 313-342. Bielefeld: Transcript Verlag, 2015. German translation of Programming Environments: Environmentality and Citizen Sensing in the Smart City.”.

Gabrys, Jennifer and Kathryn Yusoff. “Arts, Sciences and Climate Change: Practices and Politics at the Threshold.” In Climates and Cultures. Edited by Mike Hulme. London: Sage Library of the Environment Series, 2015. ISBN 9781473904521. Reprint. First published in Science as Culture 21, no. 1 (2012).