Digital Rubbish is a study of the material life of information and its devices; of electronic waste in its physical and electronic incarnations; a cultural and material mapping of the spaces where electronics in the form of both hardware and information accumulate, break down, or are stowed away. Electronic waste occurs not just in the form of discarded computers but also as a scatter of information devices, software, and systems that are rendered obsolete and fail.
For more information about this book, see The University of Michigan Press. Or read the book for free through the digital culture books series.
A podcast interview where I discuss the book is available here.
Reviews of Digital Rubbish are available, including “Media Garbology” by Jussi Parikka in Semiotic Review of Books; and Josh Lepawsky in Cultural Geographies.
See also the earlier abbreviated version of this work in “Media in the Dump,” in Trash, ed John Knechtel (Cambridge: MIT Press and Alphabet City Magazine, 2006), 156-165